Cutie și cadouri de Crăciun

Cutie și cadouri de Crăciun

From March 26, 2025 until March 28, 2025

La Moscova - Expocentre, Moscova, Rusia

Postat de Canton Fair Net

Cutia de Crăciun

20th International specialized Exhibition of Gifts, Souvenirs, New Year's, Christmas, and Festive ProductsChristmasBox Gifts Spring 2025. 20th International Specialized Exhibition of Gifts, Souvenirs, New Year's, Christmas, and Festive ProductsChristmasBox Podarki spring 2025. Opportunities >>> Product sectors >>> Merry New Year and Merry Christmas! HouseHold Expo - Stylish Home. Objects&Tableware, ChristmasBox Gifts and ChristmasBox Gifts are now finished. We'll see you in 2024.

March 26-28th, 2025 EXPOCENTRE, Moscow.

20th International specialized Exhibition of Gifts, Souvenirs, New Year's, Christmas, and Festive ProductsChristmasBox Gifts.

20th International specialized Exhibition of Gifts, Souvenirs, New Year's, Christmas, and Festive ProductsChristmasBox Gifts.

Multumesc mult organizatorilor HouseHold! Expozanții sunt tratați cu profesionalism. Numărul mare de reprezentanți din diferite companii m-a surprins. Ca de obicei, am avut și noii noștri clienți>>.

Am fost foarte impresionat de tot. Deocamdată nu s-au primit comenzi de la expoziție, dar sunt în desfășurare discuții și sper că vom găsi noi cumpărători. Prima zi a expoziției a fost foarte productivă. Mulți oameni s-au arătat interesați de produsele noastre. Aveam impresia că vizitatorii erau interesați să găsească noi furnizori și nu veneau doar să caute. Vom reveni anul viitor>>.

We were the first to participate in ChristmasBox Gifts, and as we had no idea of the visitors' profile, we chose a different audience. We work with large advertising agencies and corporate clients to manufacture gift products on order, not retail chains or buyers who accounted for most of the visitors. I believe that manufacturers who are mass producers have a system of wholesale pricing and their main strategy is to sell through retail chains, dealers etc. This is an excellent opportunity to find new partners and express yourself.