

From April 15, 2025 until April 16, 2025

La Krasnogorsk - Centrul Internațional de Expoziții Crocus Expo, regiunea Moscova, Rusia

Postat de Canton Fair Net


Private Brand Exhibition in Moscow, Russia [Q&A Community], communication, discussion, forum. Booth reservation Subsidies for exhibition groups.

Rusia - Moscova - Mezhdunarodnaya Ulitsa, 16, Krasnogorsk, Oblast Moscova, Rusia 143401 - Centrul Internațional de Expoziții Krokus din Moscova.

Expoziția de brand privat de la Moscova (SobMaExpo) este o expoziție comercială internațională organizată în mod regulat, menită să promoveze dezvoltarea mărcilor locale rusești. Acesta a atras să participe producători de mărci, vânzători, cumpărători și investitori din toată Rusia și din alte țări.

At the SobMaExpo exhibition, exhibitors displayed various types of local brand products, including clothing, accessories, homewares, beauty and skin care, food, beverages, electronic products, etc. In addition, the exhibition provides a platform for communication and cooperation, giving exhibitors the opportunity to establish business contacts, explore market opportunities and share industry knowledge.

SobMaExpo is an important promotion event for the Russian local brand industry and one of the important platforms for the industry to strengthen international exchanges and cooperation. The exhibition brings new business opportunities to local brands and promotes industry development and innovation. At the same time, as one of the largest countries in the world, Russia’s market potential and local brand innovation also add unique charm to the exhibition.