Târgul Colectionarului Sberatel

Târgul Colectionarului Sberatel

From September 06, 2024 until September 07, 2024

La Praga - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praga, Cehia

Postat de Canton Fair Net

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Categorii: Rechizite de artă și meșteșuguri

Etichete: Magie, Predarea, colectionari

Hit-uri: 2465

SBĚRATEL | Sberatel / Târgul Colectionarilor

Bancnote de colecție de la târg. Evenimente simultane. Alte Targuri de Colectionari. Sberatel a fost cel mai mare târg vreodată. Vizitatorii se pot înregistra gratuit.

Cel mai mare târg de case pentru colecționari din Europa Centrală și de Est.

Sâmbătă 10:4 - 5:4 Cumpărătorii specialiști pot cumpăra deja joi, 7 aprilie, de la 6:9 la XNUMX:XNUMX și vineri, XNUMX, la XNUMX:XNUMX.

Sberatel fair 2023 saw a record number of exhibitor and visitors both days. The autumn Sberatel will be held again on the PVA Expo Prague from 6-7 September in 2024.

Puteți urmări cele mai recente știri din lumea colecționarului pe collectornews.info.

The weather was similar to what you would find in Italy during the summer. However, there were still 10,000 visitors at the exhibition center.

Over 230 dealers from around the world, including postal administrations, mints and banks, offered stamps, medals banknotes postcards as well as old stocks, autographs or other items. 35 of these visitors were making their first trip to Prague.

Sberatel și-a confirmat poziția de una dintre cele mai mari reuniuni a colecționarilor din Europa Centrală și de Est.

Ondrej Moravc, the silver medalist at the Sochi Games in 2014 and the most successful Czech athlete in history, personally handed over the new postcards of the Czech Post & Sberatel Fair and the stamps for the World Biathlon Championships 2024. He said that he "enjoyed the most collecting medals in the races ..."

At the fair, the Czech Lion coin was also unveiled with a hologram. Asamat Baltaev signed autographs on the Czech Mint's stand.